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Showing posts from February, 2011

Already Having a Fantastic Year

This year has been going amazingly well so far. I decided to take a hiatus from dating and it has been the best thing for me. I got back to being me and my hobbies and my friends. It has been great. I also have been working really hard and have already sold 6 condos, 2 houses and 2 leases. I am on track to do 40 deals this year. Or maybe even more....Excellent. Best real estate year so far:) My ankle got better realtively quickly.  My neck is another story....6 months post last car accident. If you can even call it an accident. So minor it is truly unbelievable I am still in so much pain ugh!!! I know this will sound a bit insane, but I learnt to harness the power of attraction. My new automatic thought is "I am a Real Estate magnet. Real estate comes easily to me and in abundance." I tried it from the begining of the year. I kinda thought all this positive talk was not really able to attract things that easily. Seems I was wrong. The mind is strong and the Law of Attractio...