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Showing posts from March, 2011

More Good News!!!

I saw my MS Specialist today and he said he sees evidence of old optic neuritis, but not new. He said in terms of MS, I am looking good. Phewf! Thing is I still have, for 2&1/2 yrs now unrelenting dizziness. They say it is due to a bout of Vertigo that I had back in 2008, but the Neuro-Otologist said that he wasn't sure why my body hadn't adjusted to the deficit yet. He said it actually isn't even that much damage. I know! What else is new right??? My body overreacting!!! As in all other Rsd ways, I wonder if this is due to that or my Dr's are missing something. I cannot survive a few hours if I do not take my gravol. I end up feeling super sick.... I called my Neuro-Otologist. I guess it is back to him for a follow up so that we can get to the bottom of this.